Providing a single access point to social housing throughout the City
Now Live!
It is now easier for you to apply for social housing in Edinburgh and consider your housing options.
We have made improvements to our website so you can now apply for EdIndex online and view your housing options
The Housing Options tool will help you:
find the most suitable, affordable housing
option for your circumstances
find out if you’re eligible for a priority for
social housing
· see if social housing is the best option for you
· view your other housing options.
The new Housing Options tool can be used by new and existing applicants.
New applicants can also now apply for EdIndex online.
To complete your Housing Options checker or apply online please click the Key To Choice link above and continue through to Housing Online.
A paper application form is still available for EdIndex if applicants do not have online access.
EdIndex is a partnership between the Council and 17 housing associations/co-operatives in Edinburgh. You only need to complete one application to apply for houses provided by the landlords.
16 landlords let their homes through Key to Choice .
Hanover Scotland Housing and Muirhouse Housing Association let their homes through a traditional points system and will contact you directly if a suitable home becomes available.
Our Guide to applying for social housing in Edinburgh provides more information on the process of applying to EdIndex.
There is a high demand for social rented housing in Edinburgh so it can take a while to be housed through EdIndex. Please read our Guide to waiting times so you can get an idea of how long you may need to wait. You can view details of where houses became available and the demand for them using the supply and demand tool. You can also check out the other affordable housing options using our Guide to Other Housing Options.
Register with EdIndex
Complete your EdIndex application form.
Key to Choice
Bid on available homes.
Supply and Demand
Details of where homes became available in the last 12 months and how many people bid for them.
Other Housing Options
Some other options that may be suitable for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions and answers.
Contact details for all the EdIndex landlords.